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Iñaki Gil - Chief Engagement Officer


More than 20 years of experience especially in the financial sector. He started his career in BBVA in the Risk department and then in Santander Bank as VP of Capital Markets and Private Banking. As an entrepreneur he was cofounder of PRS Latam in Miami and also Inversora Santa Fe in Jamaica owning hotel resorts managed by AM Resorts (Now part of Hyatt). He is also strategic advisor of Glovista Investments LLC in Miami and as part of his altruists’ activities he is member of the Board at Consciousness Development Foundation. Ignacio holds a Law Degree from the Autonomous University of Miami and a MBA with #nance specialisation from the University of Miami

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José Luis Cárdenas - Chief Thinker Officer


More than 10 years of experience in the energy sector. He has experience in the energy #eld in the industrial sector as well as in the Commercial building sector, managing projects related to implementation of digital technologies as well as deep retro#ts. He holds a degree in chemical engineering from the Monterrey Technology Institute (ITESM), a master’s degree in Energy Engineering from the Barcelona Tech (UPC) and an MBA degree from IESE Business School. .


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David Parejo - Chief Sustainable Officer


Over twenty years' international business development experience. A first-rate business analyst with a multilingual international management background and a portfolio of global contacts and experience both leading diverse teams and serving in support on consulting roles.


His background is supported by more than a decade fighting climate change within Clean Energy and Clean Tech. In recent years, his involvement with startups pushing emerging technologies where primary value lies in identifying points of leverage for rapid scaling and developing the structural and visionary resources towards sustainability and added-value-for-all based projects.

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Alejandro Albiol - Chief Fun-ding Officer


Alex has +10 years of experience in the consultancy, aviation and insurance industries where he has held technical and middle management positions largely within finance. Over the last few years he has worked within a family office across a few of their portfolio companies, and has set up several start ups (one of which he successfully exited in June 2022). He holds a degree in Industrial Engineering and an MSc in Finance and Business Administration from EADA Business School.


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John Chambers - Proficiency Business Development


John has 40 years’ experience in the world of Business, starting his career working for Michael (now Lord) Heseltine at his Haymarket Media Group in the UK expanding its operations into Japan, the ME and the US. He set up his own consultancy in 2006 building on his global network reacquiring media businesses in the US and creating new ones in the ME. John’s interest in sustainable solutions goes back to 2000 when he was invited to become Chairman of an Environmental, Recycling and Waste Management Charity and even before that having gained a BA Hons in Geography. & Politics from Portsmouth in 1983. John has dual nationality as a British.


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Steve Pereira - Senior Project Man-Power


Steve has 7+ years of work experience in energy auditing and HVAC Systems. He holds bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is also a Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Certified Measurement & Verification Professional (CMVP), Certified Project Management Professional and Building Performance Analyst professional. Steve holds a Mechanical Engineering Degree from the University of Goa and holds energy indsutry certification as Energy Manage and Measure & Verification Professional from the Association of Energy Engineers in USA.

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Andrés Merchán - Project Man-Power


Energy management, energy efficiency and renewable energy are the fields where my knowledge and experience are focus. Electrical and HVAC. Commercial buildings and industries. Project manager responsible for the energy efficiency projects carried out in Europe. Development of ESCO projects with investments in efficient HVAC systems and renewable energies. Responsible for all phases of the project, from the offer, implementation of the project, coordination with the team of engineers, customers and suppliers to billing.

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Praveen Mahto - Project Man-Power


Having over 4.5 years of professional experience as a seasoned project manager with a background in engineering operation and maintenance (O&M) data analysis. Proven track record of using Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, etc.) tools to analyze client complaints about residential and commercial services, identify technical problems, build dashboards, calculate the energy efficiency of mechanical and electrical systems, calibrate equipment in accordance with NABL guidelines, and put effective solutions into practice. strong communication and analytical abilities with an emphasis on data-driven decision-making.



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Antonio Rubio - Re-Generator


Overlap Partner responsible for Product/Services Portfolio and Business Strategic Plan
Specialties: Learning Ecosystems, T&D Outsourcing, Sales and Management Academies,
Training and Development Trends, Workforce Reskilling/Upskilling


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José Correa - Serial Sustainable Entrepreneur


Co-Founder of Sustainable Start ups & Co as well as the first congress of Sustainable Startups aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals - SustainableStartupDay and its platform SustainableStartup&Co, where we leave our CO3 footprint (We raise awareness-We connect-We cooperate). Our purpose is for 100% of the entrepreneurial fabric to be entrepreneurship with a positive impact.

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Alex Guerra - Conscious Serial Entrepreneur

Co-Founder Humanizy - Conscious Entrepreneur, Investor and CEO in different projects related to Internet, Ecommerce, Marketing, Education and Real Estate. 20 years developing management tasks in multinational companies. Involved in the dissemination of Self-Knowledge and Awakening of Consciousness.



IT IS ALL ABOUT PEOPLE. Working on a project to project basis on different industries in several countries, a valuable networking of contacts and long term partnership relationships is the best ASSET. Building 'conscious' teams where people are aligned to the Mission, Vision and Purpose of every project is the new definition of SUCCESS.



Climate Neutral Now - United Nations


A group of PEOPLE from leading organisations and individuals to incentivize behavioural changes which in turn will drive the change within their industries and networks, helping align them with the Sustainable Development Goals. Become a leader and support society to succeed against this challenge. Climate Neutral Now is an initiative launched by UN Climate Change in 2015 to encourage everyone in society to take action to help achieve a climate neutral world by mid-century, as enshrined in the Paris Agreement.



Social Impact  


Catalyst 2030


A networking of PEOPLE from NGOs, social enterprises, intermediaries, funders and other social change innovators,  collaborating in this urgent moment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Catalyst 2030 believes that collective action and bold, new strategies are needed to address the crises of our time. Joining forces with communities, governments, businesses, and others, Catalyst 2030 members are working toward changing systems at all levels. Cumulatively, members have already impacted the lives of millions, often with limited resources. Together, we envision the realisation of the SDGs for all.

















Conscious Business Global Movement


A global movement of PEOPLE, leaders, change agents, and concerned citizens of the world dedicated to transforming Business and supporting the Conscious Business Declaration that articulates essential principles that will dramatically increase economic prosperity while healing the environment and improving human wellbeing. The Declaration aims to define a new standard for Business in the 21st century, one that will enable Business to become the most powerful engine on Earth for creating abundance and flourishing for humanity and all life on Earth.



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